
Public transport in Mexico is cheap and efficient. There is only one price, no matter whether you ride 100 meters or 10 km. Every corner of every street along the route is considered to be a bus stop. There are a gazillion busses, so they don’t have to actually stop at every corner and the ride... Continue Reading →

Tenga cuidado con lo que deseas

While in Holland the first bbqs are being fired up and the garden sets are being hosed off in expectancy of a beautiful spring and hopefully summer, we are trying to cope with very hot and humid nights. These nights do occur in Holland but that usually lasts for a few nights at the most.... Continue Reading →

Querido diario

We have only been in Mexico for one and a half month, but it seems so much longer. This is a good thing, because it means that every day is a new adventure, some big, but mostly small. There is no routine (yet), nothing is normal (yet) and we miss a lot of what is... Continue Reading →

Los desastres naturales

Today was a weird day. We woke up at 7 am to a blue sky and a beautiful sunrise over the field across the street. It was nice and cool as mornings can be and it really did promise to be a great day. Until 11.30 am. While I was working on the computer (trying... Continue Reading →

La bomba no bomba

An excerpt of our conversation during our first weekend in our new house: ‘Honey, there is no more water in the shower, I just got soaped up and everything...’ ‘How can that be?’ Trying some other taps in the house. ‘There is no water anywhere! I thought you run the pump two days ago?’ ‘I... Continue Reading →

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